The Goldilocks Guru Conundrum - why SCS is different

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2024

In a related post elsewhere we pointed out the pros and cons to be aware of when 'picking your guru'.The idea is to select a source that you resonate with and which gives you the greatest percentage likelihood to follow through on the advice you seek.

Consider the three following versions of a message designed to help people develop their functional level of consciousness and perhaps even spirituality.

The Techno Babble -

The Science Speak -

The SCS Style -


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The SynerChi Effect - Initial Assessment

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2021

Before we get to the complete SynerChi effect we go through the Initial Assessment process.

Here is where we answer the three big questions you see above.

What's in your Heart?

Heart rate Variability is a informational code that is transmitted to every cell in your body and which provides details about your inner wellness even BEFORE symptoms show up!

What's In Your Head?

A Neuro Map represents the patterns of brainwave production 'in your head' and contains vital clues as to what potential Emotional and Cognitive issues you might face.

What's On Your Mind?

A challenge to your Belief Systems around any given Intention or Goal can reveal deep seated Subconscious Programs that are causing you to self sabotage - very useful information before setting out to 'crush your goals'!

When we have assessed the 'automatic' set points of your physical body, the 'hardware' of your brain and the 'software' of the belief systems running the hardware, we are ready to set a plan for moving...

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Self Expression is the Preferred Path

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2020

When we come to understand the possibilities that arise when we actually accept and acknowledge the reality of what current science is actually telling us then Energy Medicine becomes not just a possibility but the smartest choice.

No longer should we have to argue for the right to make a case for EM. This is proven beyond doubt at this point and it is in alignment with the most current science.

Most of our Medicine and our general worldviews are still based on the Industrial Era, where the body is a machine that runs on fossil fuels, or simply chemicals these days.

But the reality is that we are in fact much more similar to the digital and electronic equipment that we are familiar with today. We do have the capacity to pass energy and information instantaneously throughout our entire system in just the same way as a semi-conductor operates in a computer.

So why are we still stuck in the days of yore, especially when our society is all about 'productivity' and the 'biggest...

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The SynerChi Intention- A Make Over for Energy Medicine

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2020

The SynerChi Intention

SynerChi’s  stated ‘Intention’ is to ‘Educate, Empower and Enlighten people, Using Tough Love and Extreme Compassion, to guide them to a place where they can Fully and Fearlessly Express Their Own Free Will’.

This short statement has huge implications and there is a tremendous amount to ‘unpack’ in those two phrases.

Suffice to say, for sake of brevity, that SCS is identifying our purpose as such, and in the service of that purpose we are ‘updating’ the image of Energy Medicine. Since the Flexner Report in the early 1900s there has been a stigma attached to the field of EM, pun intended.

As such, it has been too easy for critics to dismiss ‘woo woo’ therapies as too far ‘out there’ and for Professional Bodies to steer clear and insist that their members do so too, perhaps understandably so.

However, this has meant that our World View and particularly our Medicine has...

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It's not what you don't know - it's what you know for sure that just 'aint so!

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2020

The major 'thought influencer' of today is mainstream science. Science has replaced Religion as the voice of authority and has a similar reputation among it's disciples for infallibility.

The 'scientific method' leaves no room for error, or worse, God forbid, doubt. What is known scientifically can be taken as proven fact.

But then we have those pesky updates that come along every so often that cause a little bit of concern.

The earth is not actually flat; the sun does not really revolve around our planet; we are most definitely not the center of the universe.

And occasionally an expose comes along that highlights how corporate influence and greed have 'skewed' the results that the truth relies upon. Sometimes, it seems, the high priests of science become acutely aware of the funding they receive and are careful not to bite the hand that feeds them.

So, it is not just cut and dry that everything science says is true is necessarily so. 

SynerChi is primarily concerned with...

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