The Hidden Reasons why You Are Already Set Up To Fail

The New Year is fast approaching and you KNOW that - this time - it will be different. You are more motivated than ever before, more disciplined and determined AND you have an awesome new program to start on Jan 1. But, you and millions of others world wide are destined to fail before you even start! A full 90% of New Year recruits will be back to their old habits within 3 weeks and the gyms will be emptied out by mid February. Read on to discover why? SynerChi designs a personalized program based on your unique, specifically individual needs depending on the answers to three BIG questions! The results reveal the major reasons why you have been unable to overcome your inner obstacles and move boldly along the path forward to Peak Performance and Conscious Creation.

What's In Your Heart?

The variation between individual heart beats (Heart Rate variability) is a code that is transmitted to every cell in your body. This code is a window into your Internal Wellness. 

Your Heart wants what's best for you!

What's In Your Head?

A Neuro Map enables us to see your pattern of 'Brainwaves'. The relative speeds of your brain waves have a direct impact on your mood, personality, memory energy and focus.

Don't just think positively, Train Your Brain!

What's On Your Mind?

Identify hidden blockages and limiting beliefs that can sabotage your progress. If your Brain is the Hardware then your thoughts, feelings and belief systems are the Software.

Make your Mind your Servant, not your Master!

Design the Lifestyle You Deserve

Your Health and Wellness is Personal!

This is All About You!

These are Your Heart Beats, Your Brain Waves and Your Belief Systems. No cookie cutter formulas here.

We take this completely unique -to - you information and build a fully personalized program designed to create and develop Fitness, Wellness and Consciousness in the most efficient and effective way for you.

Get Your Assessment

Take A Look


Frequently Asked Questions

Nothing. We are assessing a baseline status for your Health and Wellness and want to test you in a 'normal' state.

You do not need to fast or wear special clothing and you will not have to exert yourself during your appointment.

The only suggestion we have is that to perform a QEEG Brain Map you will wear a cap with some sensors on it which we want as close to your head as possible, so maybe don't wear your 'big hair' on the day of testing.

Otherwise we love to take you as you are!

Absolutely not!

All tests are completely non-invasive and apart from requiring minimal muscle strength to hold your arm up during muscle testing there will be no exertion at all.

Remember, we are not doing anything TO you, we are simply assessing the electromagnetic energies from your Brain Waves and Heart Beats which are  actually coming FROM you!

Appointment times can vary. particularly depending on whether you have filled out your pre test survey and paperwork ahead of time.

The actual testing time takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour. Some people will choose to do all testing at once, some will split the testing into two sessions.

Some time may be spent discussing any outstanding issues seen on the testing but you should typically allow an hour or a little more.

Heart Rate Variability is measure of the timing between individual heart beats. This is a window to your wellness and gives us direct information about your stress response, healing capacity and the type and intensity of exercise you should be doing.

A Neuro Map is a mini QEEG that provides a measure of the type and patterns of Brain Waves you are producing.

This information, along with specific surveys accompanying the Brain Map provide insight into potential cognitive and emotional issues you might be facing or even experiencing and suggests ways to address those issues.

Learn to develop increased focus, memory and attention while balancing incoherent patterns in your brain waves.

Your test results will usually be available immediately and in most cases we will email you copies before you even leave the office.

Some people prefer to do all tests at the time of initial intake but a 30 to 45 minute follow up is generally recommended so as to avoid overload and overwhelm.

That is entirely up to you.

We will take time to step you through your results and what they might mean to you and we will make our best recommendations to help you design and implement a plan going forward.

We will base our plan specifically on your individual results and tailor it to your precise needs.

You can choose to work with us or if you prefer you can take the results and work with any other Doctor or Practitioner you choose.

The information is specific to you and can stand alone as a suggested plan of management if you choose.

The testing is usually priced at $997. In most offices a Brain Map alone can cost from $699 to $1500!

SynerChi has bundled all three tests together and discounted them accordingly for extra value.

Additionally, we understand that COVID has had an impact on most of us and so responding to this offer today entitles you to a further HUGE discount.  

Depending on circumstances we are also able to offer 0% financing on testing and follow up programs.

What Do I Do Now?

Simply pick one of the options below then click on the button below to arrange an Initial Assessment . Acting Now qualifies you for a very special offer and a huge discount.

SynerChi Express

SynerChi Express introduces you to the system and provides all the info you need from the Initial Assessment. This is where we get to determine a specific strategy to achieve your personal Health and Wellness goals. 

Take it with you or work with us further - it's up to you.

SynerChi Experience

The SynerChi Experience  implements that unique-to-you strategy by applying the specific recommendations from the Initial Assesment. This is where you can 'try out' the system and experience the benefits first hand.

Stick with it or optimise and upgrade your performance - it's up to you.

SynerChi Effect

The SynerChi Effect goes much further along your individualized path to 'Peak Performance and Conscious Creation'. The experience is enhanced by adding in even more specific and specialized tools, techniques and technologies that align with your Intention and Purpose.

Your success - is down to you!

Pick A Program

SynerChi Express


Reduced from $997

Neuro Map

HRV Testing

Personalized Intake Consultation

Belief Systems Challenge

Intention Setting

Your Personal 'Tapping Sequences'

Your Specific 'Tapping Sentences'

Let's Get Started!

SynerChi Experience


Reduced from $1997

Everything from SynerChi Express


10 Neurofeedback Sessions


Repeat HRV Testing

Repeat Belief Systems Challenge

Let's Try It Out!

SynerChi Effect


Reduced from $3650

Everything from SynerChi Experience


30 additional Neurofeedback Sessions

Specialized Neurofeedback Programs

Alpha/Theta Training

Peak Performance and Focus Training

Repeat Neuro Map and HRV Testing

Let's Go For It!

50% Complete

Two Step

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