The SynerChi Effect - Initial Assessment

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2021

Before we get to the complete SynerChi effect we go through the Initial Assessment process.

Here is where we answer the three big questions you see above.

What's in your Heart?

Heart rate Variability is a informational code that is transmitted to every cell in your body and which provides details about your inner wellness even BEFORE symptoms show up!

What's In Your Head?

A Neuro Map represents the patterns of brainwave production 'in your head' and contains vital clues as to what potential Emotional and Cognitive issues you might face.

What's On Your Mind?

A challenge to your Belief Systems around any given Intention or Goal can reveal deep seated Subconscious Programs that are causing you to self sabotage - very useful information before setting out to 'crush your goals'!

When we have assessed the 'automatic' set points of your physical body, the 'hardware' of your brain and the 'software' of the belief systems running the hardware, we are ready to set a plan for moving forward based on uniquely personal information.

Not only that but we have uncovered those details that were previously hidden in the Subconscious Mind and The Autonomic Nervous System - the two 'automated' components of the 'Body-Mind'.

It is the fact that these specific components were hidden from you before that led to previous failures in self development , even though you made a conscientious effort to improve!

To paraphrase Jung 'when you have made conscious that which was unconscious it no longer controls you"!


50% Complete

Two Step

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