It's not what you don't know - it's what you know for sure that just 'aint so!

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2020

The major 'thought influencer' of today is mainstream science. Science has replaced Religion as the voice of authority and has a similar reputation among it's disciples for infallibility.

The 'scientific method' leaves no room for error, or worse, God forbid, doubt. What is known scientifically can be taken as proven fact.

But then we have those pesky updates that come along every so often that cause a little bit of concern.

The earth is not actually flat; the sun does not really revolve around our planet; we are most definitely not the center of the universe.

And occasionally an expose comes along that highlights how corporate influence and greed have 'skewed' the results that the truth relies upon. Sometimes, it seems, the high priests of science become acutely aware of the funding they receive and are careful not to bite the hand that feeds them.

So, it is not just cut and dry that everything science says is true is necessarily so. 

SynerChi is primarily concerned with bringing attention to those aspects of scientific discovery that need to be upgraded. There is a plethora of actual, agreed upon scientific 'facts' that are still being kept secret and hidden from public view, and it seems that the reason is that there are interests being protected that still rely upon greatly outdated scientific information for their enrichment and sustenance.

When we educate ourselves to what is current our whole perspective changes. Why is our medical model still a holdover from the Industrial age, where our bodies are machines and we run on fossil fuel?

Why are we not upgrading to a digital and electronic model in line with our technology of the day? Why are we not treating our bodies as the electronic semiconductors that they are?

There is real science and data to support these views. Quantum Physics has shown us that approaches we once considered 'weird and wonderful', or 'woo woo',  were in fact highly unimaginative and nowhere near as strange as the 'actual truth'.

SynerChi's model addresses this Educational aspect first so that you can utilize the most up to date version of the modalities available to you today, or at the very least suspend your disbelief long enough to experience the benefits of disciplines you might not have even previously considered as 'real' much less viable.

After this you proceed to Empower yourself through the use of 'proven' tools, techniques and technologies from the world of Natural Health Care. 

Then we place all of that into a new framework and mindset that Enlightens you and  aligns with the best of our knowledge today.

You have learned what is true today, how to use that information to benefit you and Why and Where it fits in into the Big Picture.

SynerChi is not just real, it's positively scientific.


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