Self Expression is the Preferred Path

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2020

When we come to understand the possibilities that arise when we actually accept and acknowledge the reality of what current science is actually telling us then Energy Medicine becomes not just a possibility but the smartest choice.

No longer should we have to argue for the right to make a case for EM. This is proven beyond doubt at this point and it is in alignment with the most current science.

Most of our Medicine and our general worldviews are still based on the Industrial Era, where the body is a machine that runs on fossil fuels, or simply chemicals these days.

But the reality is that we are in fact much more similar to the digital and electronic equipment that we are familiar with today. We do have the capacity to pass energy and information instantaneously throughout our entire system in just the same way as a semi-conductor operates in a computer.

So why are we still stuck in the days of yore, especially when our society is all about 'productivity' and the 'biggest bang for the buck'? Why do we still fill people with often harmful chemicals when more efficient and elegant methods are available for improvement and intervention?

When we answer these questions honestly and collectively then we can move on, or more accurately 'catch up'.

We can accept what we know about ourselves as human beings, according to what our own science is telling us, and engage in the worthwhile pursuit of Fully and Fearlessly Expressing Ourselves and living our Highest Purpose.

We realize that our journey is about self expression not self help, not self development or self improvement. Those things are the results or direct by- products of self expression and there is a significant difference here that is important for us to acknowledge.

Any of the other suffixes imply that you are starting off from a place where something is wrong with you. Self Expression implies that you are already enough, which is a very popular topic in mental health these days.

You are already enough, you came here as a soul created by God and you have some God-given talents that you need to express, don't hide your light under the Bush.

Or You came here from the Bardo as a soul that picked a particular life on this Earth with a specific lesson to learn? So now you have to try, you have to express your Free Will and you have to make your mistakes so that you can learn.

Perhaps the Universe created You in it's own image, as a fractal and holographic representation of the consciousness that makes up this Universe? One popular theory is that the Universe created us so that it can consciously experience itself and understand what that feeling of consciousness is.

Therefore be conscious, live your life Fully and Fearlessly. Express your own free will. That's your job, that's SynerChi's wish for you because in our reality we don't have goals we just have Expression.

Everything that we need, everything that we seek is already within us. We have access to all that is, was and all that will be. Some people call that the 'Field', some people call it the 'Akashic Records', it doesn't really matter as long as you know you're part of it.

When you accept this framework, when you work within this mindset, positive thinking, productivity, achievement, goal setting and all of these things are by products, they're not ends in and of themselves, they are just simply things that you will do when you're Fully and Fearlessly Expressing your Own Free Will.

This does not mean being selfish by the way. It means living according to how you think and feel and act, based on what is going on within, based on your level of consciousness at the moment.

You're going to fail forward fast within this program, accept this paradigm because that's how human beings learn. We learn best by making mistakes, so you make your mistakes, just don't keep making the same mistakes. 

In this program we keep it very simple. Everything elegant and efficient is simple, in fact, some say, simple is the highest form of sophistication!

So acknowledge the science of today. Accept it's implications. Apply it's tools and techniques. Understand that Energy Medicine IS scientific and not 'alternative' and allow yourself to Express Yourself Fully and fearlessly.



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