Fitness| Wellness | Consciousness


Be Whole Healthy and Happy regardless of your external circumstances. Work with SynerChi to Consciously Create the Lifestyle you deserve

In Person

At SynerChi we have a unique assessment process. Work with us in person to develop a completely individualized approach to 'Fully and Fearlessly Expressing Your Own Free Will'.

Practitioner Training

Join a growing community of practitioners that work with us to deliver the full SynerChi Effect to their own patients and clients. 

Online Study

SynerChi has digital and online educational tools to 'Educate, Empower and Enlighten' you from the comfort of your own home or local hotspot.

The Old Way

Work really hard. Figure it all out. Learn a new Algorithm. Filter through your feelings, behaviors and habits. Practice grit, resilience and integrity daily. Learn a new language and religion.

The Old  Way is still based on a Reductionist, Mechanistic and Materialist worldview that showed up over 400 years ago in the Renaissance and reached it's peak in the Industrial era.

We are still relying on the lessons of that era when our Science has moved on. Current Self Help is based around ideas from the Conscious Mind, formed into ever improving Formulas and Algorithms, dependent upon Conscious Mind techniques reinforced by disciplined repetition over longer periods of time.


The Old  Way is still based on a Reductionist, Mechanistic and Materialist worldview that showed up over 400 years ago in the Renaissance and reached it's peak in the Industrial era.

You got here by chance and random mutation. You are a machine. You are made of smaller individual parts. Understanding the smaller and smaller parts is key.

Learning a complex algorithm showing you how to reassemble the parts and following it with discipline is the secret to self improvement and self development. You are broken but can eventually be fixed.

The Previous Path

The previous path required intense work and relentless problem-solving. You were asked to learn new systems, sift through a flood of feelings, behaviors, and habits, and to continuously exercise determination, resilience, and honesty. It was a constant cycle of learning a new language and embracing new beliefs.

The previous path was born out of an antiquated mindset, a reductionist, mechanistic, and materialistic view that emerged 400 years ago during the Renaissance and reached its zenith in the Industrial era. We have been relying on its teachings while our scientific understanding has significantly evolved.

Prevailing self-improvement ideologies revolve around the conscious mind. They endorse increasingly refined formulas and algorithms, contingent on techniques of the conscious mind, fortified by disciplined repetition over extended periods.

The old approach taught us that we were random products of chance and mutation, intricate machines made up of individual parts. It suggested that knowledge of the minutest components was crucial, and self-improvement lay in learning complex instructions to rearrange these parts, following them diligently. It whispered that you were flawed, but repairable.

Act Smarter

The New Way

Evolve and Express. Fully and Fearlessly Express your own Free Will. Consciously Create your desired lifestyle. Coherently enter the Flow. Resonate with Universal Interconnectedness.

The New Way derives from a Quantum, Holistic and Informational worldview.  This Science took us from an Industrial framework of machines to an Electronic and Quantum framework of technology.

This worldview is not even new, having already been known for over 100 years! Time for us to Act Smarter and evolve with the New.

Within this mindset 'self help, self growth, self development, self improvement' and all the other derivatives are simply expected side effects of Self Expression - you are already enough!


The New Way derives from a Quantum, Holistic and Informational worldview.  This Science took us from an Industrial framework of machines to an Electronic and Quantum framework of technology.

You are here on purpose. You are capable of receiving and transmitting Energy and Information with the Universe. You are a Holistic being Interconnected with all of Nature and the Cosmos.

Within this mindset 'self help, self growth, self development, self improvement' and all the other derivatives are simply expected side effects of Self Expression - you are already enough!


The Future Path

Embrace evolution and expression. Boldly exercise your free will. Consciously design your desired lifestyle. Harmoniously enter the state of flow, and resonate with universal interconnectedness.

The future path is rooted in a quantum, holistic, and informational perspective. It transitions us from the industrial machinery analogy to an electronic and quantum technology framework.

Surprisingly, this worldview isn't even novel; it's been around for over a century! It's high time we act intelligently and evolve alongside this understanding.

In this mindset, concepts like 'self-help,' 'self-growth,' 'self-development,' 'self-improvement,' and all their variants are simply natural by-products of self-expression - you are already enough!

The future path reveals that you exist for a purpose. You are capable of transmitting and receiving energy and information with the universe. You are a holistic being, interconnected with nature and the cosmos.

Within this mindset, the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement naturally flows from the authentic expression of oneself. So remember - you are, and always have been, enough!

Act Smarter

Write Your Own Program!


Human beings are designed to be programmed for maximum EFFICIENCY.

By the time you are 35 the vast majority of your thoughts and behaviors are the same as the day before. Your physiological thermostat is similarly programmed to respond 'automatically'.

The good news is that you have the innate ability to reset the set points in your body and mind so that you are still efficient but now you are EFFECTIVE too!





50% Complete

Two Step

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